Faculty of Physics and Astronomy

Information on reducing energy consumption on weekends

01.03.23 | Internal News

Dear Faculty Members,

since 12.02.2023 the operation on weekends on the campus and the outside properties is stopped until further notice. This is the first time that RUB is in this situation and so a few more relevant notes arise from the practice for us at the faculty.


Teaching can take place on weekends by decision of the rectorate ONLY in the seminar rooms in GB and GABF. If courses are scheduled for the summer semester on weekends, please contact Dec. 5.1.

The auditorium operation runs separately.

Dec. 5.1. is currently working on a website to make the information available to all groups incl. students (no internal pages in the service portal, as students do not have access here!).

Events open to the public:

Events that have been and will be registered via the event agency Universaal (Dec. 8) will continue to take place. Facilities that are otherwise not in operation, such as the Beckmannshof, the Musisches Zentrum, the Veranstaltungszentrum and the Audimax, can also be used as venues.

Graduation ceremonies may not be held in the Auditorium.

Events open to the public in faculty rooms:

The faculty has two "wild cards" for the entire year 2023 to be able to hold events with public traffic on the weekends. These could be the following formats: smaller conferences/workshops with guests, Saturday Morning Physics, student council fetes, chair anniversaries, etc.

Since we only have two options in 2023, I would encourage areas, if they already have or will be planning events with public access in 2023, to contact me to talk about how to allocate the "wild card" options and develop other alternatives if necessary.

Specialty Rooms/"Studi-Rooms":

The above-mentioned rooms of the student council in the faculty are also excluded from use on weekends. The same applies to the use of other rooms within the faculty for exam preparation on weekends.

It cannot be ruled out that further restrictions will be introduced to reduce energy consumption.

Within the faculty, work will begin in the next few weeks to visit the areas in order to talk together about possible ways to save energy and to develop good viable and sustainable solutions for the faculty as a whole. The goal must be that despite necessary energy savings, all areas can continue to conduct their research.

If you have any questions, please contact the Managing Director, Dr. Masha Gerding.

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