Welcome to the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum


Preliminary Course for First Semester Students

Pre-course instead of confusion in the first lecture: A course will be held in September to prepare new students for their physics studies....

Experience nature research days at the RUB

In the first week of the 2024 summer vacation, it's that time again - the Alfried Krupp Student Laboratory of Science opens its doors for...

New spectacular images from the Euclid space telescope

The Euclid space telescope explores the dark universe. Bochum researcher Hendrik Hildebrandt is also involved in the mission.


Discovering, teaching and researching in the school laboratory: The Society for Chemistry and Physics Education meets at RUB

From September 9 to 12, 2024, didactics experts in chemistry and physics as well as young scientists will meet at Ruhr-Universität...

"Chiral Dynamics 2024": International conference with guest speech by Nobel laureate David Gross

The international conference "The 11th International Workshop on Chiral Dynamics" will take place from August 26 - 30, 2024. Around 150...


Announcement of the public lecture series "Experimental Hadron Physics" in the period from July 17-18, 2024

Enclosed you will find the dates for the lecture series "Experimental Hadron Physics" in the period from July 17-18, 2024 W2 Invitation...

Election results for the Senate and the Faculty Councils - Faculty of Physics and Astronomy - Student group

The student group has voted: Here you can find information on who will be in the Senate and Faculty Council for the coming...

Charter against discrimination signed

Ruhr-Universität Bochum is one of the employers in Bochum that sends out a visible signal against discrimination in the workplace.


CHE ranking
Master's students

Welcome to the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum

From Matter to Materials - in research and teaching, our faculty offers a wide variety of topics and is one of the strongest physics faculties in Germany in terms of research. In the CHE ranking, we also rank among the best in Germany in terms of support at the beginning of studies.


We value excellent counselling and support for all students. Constructive cooperation, commitment and individual needs are our priority.


We are internationally networked and maintain cooperations with renowned research institutions and major international projects such as CERN, IceCube, LOFAR and Fair.

Strong in research

We distinguish ourselves through a broad spectrum of research. From astronomy to plasma physics, our students have the opportunity to get to know many disciplines and to deepen their knowledge.

Prospective students




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