On Monday, May 6, 2024, at 12:00 c.t., the next date of our Physics Colloquium will take place.
Speaker is Dr. Nikita Kavokine (MPIP Mainz) on the topic "Quantum Nanofluidics: From Quantum Friction To Hydroelectric Power".
Liquids are usually described within classical physics, whereas solids require the tools of quantum mechanics. We have shown that in nanoscale channels, this distinction no longer holds. At these scales, the liquid flows become intertwined with electron dynamics in the channel walls, resulting in a wealth of phenomena beyond the reach of classical fluid mechanics [1]. I will discuss, in particular, our recent results on the coupling of liquid flows with electric currents in the channel walls [2], and implications for hydroelectric energy conversion at the nanoscale.
[1] N. Kavokine, M.-L. Bocquet and L. Bocquet, Nature 602, 84-90 (2022).
[2] B. Coquinot, L. Bocquet and N. Kavokine, Phys. Rev. X 13, 011019 (2023).
Abstract of the presentation by Dr. Kavokine.
The introduction will be given by Prof. Dr. Marialore Sulpizi.
The faculty cordially invites all interested parties. The event will take place in the lecture hall HNB. We offer coffee and cookies before the colloquium.
All dates of the Physics Colloquium can be found here.