
Here you can find out all about upcoming and past events of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy. You will also find exciting event tips about the world of physics in our calendar.

Stay informed!

Calendar of events

If you wish, you can download our calendar of events or subscribe to it and integrate it into your own calendar. This way you always have an overview of our dates and tips.

Click on the download icon in the top right corner of the calendar (down arrow) or on the calendar icon to copy the calendar link to your clipboard. How you integrate the events calendar into your installation depends on your calendar provider.

If you have an event suggestion for our calendar, please send us an e-mail to public relations(at)

Note: If the calendar is not displayed correctly on your computer, please check your browser settings or use a different browser.

News list

Sign up for our faculty event news list. You will receive information about dates of the Physics Colloquium, Saturday Morning Physics and other event notices.

As a rule, we send no more than one email per week.

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