Achim von Keudell appointed new Vice-Rector for Structure & Planning
Photo: RUB, Marquard. The plasma physicist was elected Vice-Rector for Structure and Planning at Ruhr-Universität. He takes over the office from Denise Manahan-Vaughan.
155th Faculty Council meeting on January 29
Dear colleagues, on January 29, 2025, the Faculty invites you to the 155th Faculty Council meeting at 1:00 pm. This will take place in presence in the large meeting room of the faculty (NB 02/193). Guests are invited to participate in presence or via Zoom:...
FLINTA* General Assembly - NEW DATE: 3.12.
+++Update+++ The FLINTA* General Assembly on November 26, 2024 unfortunately has to be postponed: New date is December 3, 2024 +++ The faculty cordially invites you to the FLINTA* Plenary Assembly. FLINTA* stands for women, lesbians, intersex, non-binary,...
Workshop: Mental Health - Challenges & Coping Strategies
A Master's degree, doctorate or postdoc brings new challenges: tasks become more complex and results are less clear, the demands on independence and self-management increase considerably, your own career plans can be uncertain,...
Workshop "Understanding & Navigating Group Dynamics"
Young scientists have many different roles: They are part of different teams while simultaneously managing projects, their careers and personal lives. Developing an understanding of their own personality, goals and strengths, as well as those of others, helps them to...
Agenda of the 153rd Faculty Council meeting on 30.10.2024
Ladies and gentlemen, the 153rd Faculty Council meeting will take place on October 30, 2024 at 1:00 pm. The meeting will take place in presence in the large meeting room of the Faculty (NB 02/193). Guests are invited to participate in presence or via Zoom: Zoom-Meeting...
Women's movie night on October 23
The Equal Opportunities Team of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy invites you to a joint movie night: On October 23, 2024, 4-6 pm we will meet in the lecture hall NB 02/99 to watch a movie, get to know each other better and exchange ideas. About which movie to watch...
Invitation: Academic anniversary celebration 2024
10th Doctoral Colloquium
All doctoral students of the faculty are cordially invited to the doctoral colloquium on November 13, 2024, 16:00 - 18:00. There will be a poster session with beer and pretzels in building NB 03 South. Please register by November 07...
International conference "Chiral Dynamics 2024" with guest speech by Nobel Prize winner David Gross
The 11th International Workshop on Chiral Dynamics will take place from August 26 - 30, 2024. Around 150 participants from all over the world will come together at the event center of the Ruhr University Bochum. The event is being organized...
Election results for the Senate and the Faculty Councils - Faculty of Physics and Astronomy - Student group
The student group has voted: Here you can find information on who is on the Senate and Faculty Council for the coming period.
Election proposals for the Senate and the Faculty Councils - Faculty of Physics and Astronomy Student group
Do you have any interesting news from your area? We look forward to hearing from you. Please contact Cinja Bösel.