Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie

Astronomie und Astrophysik

Die Lehrstühle und Arbeitsgruppen des Astronomischen Instituts der Fakultät widmen sich verschiedenen Schwerpunkten der Astronomie und der Astrophysik. Dabei arbeiten die Gruppen nicht nur innerhalb der Institutsstruktur eng miteinander, sondern sind auch interdisziplinär mit anderen Fachbereichen der Fakultät verknüpft. Auch über die Bochumer Fakultät hinaus bestehen zahlreiche Kooperationen mit Wissenschaftler*innen und Forschungseinrichtungen. 

Recent observations revealing the many-armed, beautiful spiral galaxy NGC 2336 as only Hubble can. The imagery used to create this image was taken in January 2020. Meanwhile, the Chandra X-ray Observatory is also tasked with looking at this galaxy, though I haven't looked into the details of that, yet. Edit: Checked on CXO observations, and so far none yet, but I did notice that of the proposed 200 kilosecond time, they only gave Dr. Antoniou 50 ks. Ouch! Here's hoping that's enough. Data from the following proposal was used to create this image: Determining How X-ray Binary Populations Vary Through Time Note there are a number of blank areas in the image where data were absent. I filled those with background-matched noise to make them visually unobtrusive. Some other areas also lack a full range of color, being only covered by 1-2 filters. The pixel scale is 0.05 arcseconds per pixel. Red: ACS/WFC F814W Green: ACS/WFC F555W Blue: ACS/WFC F435W North is exactly to the right.

Bild: Judy Schmidt



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